Google Finance API – Rest

Bruno Zago

21 janeiro 2018 - 19:26 | Atualizado em 29 março 2023 - 17:37

Many investors and traders need API (Application Programming Interface) quotes to power their services and applications automatically. Google provides a service that allows you to feed Google Sheets as below named Google Finance API:

Cálculos do google finance em um sheets/excel

Example usage on Google Sheets:

GOOGLEFINANCE("GOOG"; "price", DATE(2014;1;1); DATE(2014;12;31); "DAILY")



For more information on Google Finance API:

Access directly here:

To obtain quotations (Market Data) via Rest API, Websocket and Socket:

If you need to seek data (quotations) from B3 (BM&FBOVESPA), send orders, receive offers book, trades made and other messages of Shares, Derivatives, Dollar (and other currencies), Rates, Indicators etc, know the APIs available by Cedro in its Crystal Data Feed service of the Anywhere platform.

The Anywhere platform comprises the OPEN API services developed by Cedro Technologies, and for market data and routing orders B3 (BM&FBOVESPA) includes the following services:

  • API for quotations in API Streaming for TCP / IP with Crystal Data Feed;
    API for quotations in Websocket Streaming with Web Feeder;
    API for quotes in REST with delivery in JSON or XML;
    API for historical data B3 (BM & FBOVESPA);
    API for sending orders / electronic negotiation via FIX Protocol;
    API for sending orders / electronic trading via Websocket

Talk to us: or +55 11 3014 0200 or WhatsApp.

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